To login to edit the registry *** Always back up your registry first ***

Step to backup registry

  1. Start Registry Editor by Start -> Run -> regedit
  2. Go to Menu Files> Export option for backup
  3. Naming the file (should be start “Registry” and followed by the date (YYYYMMDD) as “Registry20120422”. The extension will be .reg)
  4. Be careful to change value with you know that we’re editing right now
  5. If an editor or system crash, Restore to the old state by click register 20120422.reg

Tip #1: Removal temp files (.tmp)

Remove .tmp every time you start Windows.

goto Run> sysedit> System Configuration editor
Edit file autoexec.bat
and add del C:\Windows\Temp\*.tmp>nul.

Tip #2: Choose the the Effect of WinXP

Right click on My Com> Proproties to Advance the Performance section click Settings, which is the 4 options.

  • Let Windows choose what’s best for my computer  (if not sure choose this choice first)
  • Adjust for best appearance
  • Adjust for best performance
  • Custom

Tip #3: Sort the boot file

Go to start> run > cmd
C:\>defrag c:-b


Tip #4: Fasting internet in WinXP

  • go to start > run > gpedit.msc [ Group Policy Window ] — Computer Config .. select Administrative Templates > Network
  • select QoS Packet Scheduler> Limit reservable bandwith> Enable
  • in the Bandwith limit (%) change to “0” and Save.

Tip #5 : Internet Explorer Faster


run> regedit> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace.<br />
Right-click at value like this “D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF” and click delete

Internet Explorer> Tool > Internet Options > advance Tab > Security section
Selected at empty temporary internet files folder when browser is close.


Tip # 6: Reduce boot up time 30 seconds

My Computer> Properties> Advanced> Startup and Recovery> Settings

Unchecked the top and bottom options / or all options

Tip #7: Close Error reporting

My Computer> Properties> Advanced> the bottom right, Click disable error reporting

21 Tips to speed up your computer WinXP